Our Services
The following insurance products are available in the insurance market. We shall be willing to avail you with quotations on any of the products required by your organization. We assure you of our desire to create superior value in the service we provide.
The standard fire insurance policy covers loss or damage caused by fire, lightning and explosion. However, cover can be extended to include the following perils:
Ø Storm and tempest, flood and tornadoes
Ø Riot and strike
Ø Burst pipe
Ø Impact/Aircraft
Ø Bush fire
Ø Earthquake
Fire policy usually covers your property i.e. building, furniture, fittings and fixtures, installed machinery, office equipment etc. against the above perils.
We usually propose insurance of vehicle on comprehensive basis. A comprehensive motor insurance covers loss or damage to the vehicle caused by an accident, fire and/or theft.
The policy will also cover the insured's liability to third party for damage to property or bodily injury arising from use of insured vehicles.
The policy indemnifies an insured in respect of:
Ø Liability for death or bodily injuries caused to third party.
Ø Liability for property of third party.
Ø Loss or damage to the insured vehicle caused by fire or theft
Ø Accidental loss or damage to the insured vehicle.
Burglary insurance policy provides compensation for loss resulting from burglary following forcible and violent entry into and exits out of the insured premises.
We propose this policy to cover your moveable assets contained in furnished private dwellings, houses, and offices, against loss by burglary. Such property could include household goods, furniture, fixture and fittings, office equipment etc.
This is a policy specially designed to cover electronic equipment against loss or damage arising from a very wide range of perils. These perils include:
Ø Fire
Ø Theft
Ø Short-circuiting
Ø Smoke, soot, corrosive gases
Ø Water, humidity
Ø Faulty generation, lack of skill, gross negligence
Ø Malicious act on the part of employees or third parties
We propose the policy for your fragile electronic equipment viz: computer units, electronic typewriters, photocopiers, fax machines etc. Separate values of each item are normally required in advising our clients on appropriate premium.
This is an annual renewable "All Risks" material damage policy covering accidental breakdown to mechanical and electrical machinery. Insured items are covered whilst working, at rest undergoing maintenance/overhaul, or being repositioned within the premises, and re-installed.
The standard policy covers the insured against sudden and unforeseen damage from a variety of risks, including:
Ø Fortuitous working accidents such as maladjustment, loosening of parts, failures or faults in protective devices, entry of foreign bodies.
Ø Tearing apart due to centrifugal forces.
Ø Short circuit, over-voltage or over current
Ø Defects or faults in design, material, malfunctioning or faults in erection
Ø Incorrect operation, negligent or malicious acts of employees
Ø Over pressure, shortage of water in boilers and pressure vessels
Ø Storm.
Goods in transit insurance policy are designed to cover goods being transported from one point to another by road or by rail.
It indemnifies the insured for loss or damage to goods being transported caused by the following perils and arising from accidental collusion to the conveying vehicle.
Ø Fire
Ø Theft
Ø Damage
Marine Cargo:
It offers compensation for loss or damage to goods transported by sea as a result of perils insured against. There are three major levels of protection.
Ø Institute Cargo Clause "A", (All Risk).
Ø Institute Cargo Clause "B", (Covering fire, explosion. Earthquake, volcanic eruption, lightening and jettison).
Ø Institute Cargo Clause "C", (minimum protection usually suitable for bulky goods, which are not susceptible to damage).
Marine Hull:
This is mainly used to cover ships, boats or vessels and it provides indemnity against loss or damage to the hull, machinery and equipment caused by fire, explosion, malicious damage, theft, stranding, sinking, collision etc.
It can be extended to cover protection and indemnity insurance cover (Third Party). For own use, it can be used to cover cargo belonging to the insured (i.e. Hull owner's cargo).
The policy is designed to cover an employer against pecuniary loss sustained by reasons of fraud or dishonesty by employees. This policy can be taken in respect of employees who occupy position of trust or who have possession or custody of your valuable goods such as money or stored items. With the policy in place, losses suffered by the employer resulting from employees' dishonesty are made good. We propose this policy to cover your officers who occupy position of trust.
Money in Safe:
The policy provides cover for money in securely locked safes against loss or damage resulting from burglary or house breaking.
Cash in Transit:
The policy provides cover for loss of money during specific transits. The standard policy form covers specific transits as set out in the schedule. In every case the money must be in the custody of the insured or his authorized employees.
Contractors' All Risks (CAR):
This product provides all risks cover, subject to certain exceptions, in respect of both temporary and permanent works while in course of construction and until handed over by the contractor to the employer. Unfixed materials or equipment on site for incorporation in the works and all items of constructional plant, equipment, tools, and the like whether mechanically operated or not, plus temporary buildings for use as site offices, mess accommodation, workers' camp, stores, workshops and their contents; are also covered.
Employees' personal tools and effects are usually included in the cover as a separate item to which a special excess may be applied and which is normally subject to a limit in respect of any one employee.
The cover extends to include architects' and other professional fees, and also the removal of debris.
Cover is provided not only during erection of the contract works but also during a subsequent maintenance period. 'Maintenance period' is normally twelve months from the date of acceptance of the works by the employer in the case of civil engineering and machinery installation works, but for general building works the period is more commonly only six months.
The sum insured may be merely the estimated contract price, or there may be in addition separate sums insured for such items as contractors' plant and equipment, temporary buildings, stores and workers' camp, architects', surveyors' or engineers' fees (unless already included in the contract price)., debris removal expenses, and employee's tools and personal effects.
The exclusions are basically those applicable to any all risks cover. But these are supplemented by others specifically applicable to the particular contract. It is always made clear in the policy wording that cover applies only in respect of the new works being undertaken and does not extend to include loss of or damage to existing property in which or on which the contractor may be working.
The policy will normally incorporate the legal requirements of contractors in respect of compulsory insurance of buildings under
construction as spelt out in section 64 (1), (2) and (3) of Insurance Act 2003.
Plant All Risks:
This policy covers "All Risks" of loss or destruction to construction plant, tools machinery, and equipment from any cause other than as provided in the exceptions. This cover is for accidental damage, fire and special perils and theft. The schedule of items covered includes operational plant and machinery, survey and laboratory equipment, workshop plant, tools and equipment, non-operational plant/machinery and equipment of various descriptions (As specifically detailed).
Boiler Insurance:
Boiler insurance is available to cover Boilers, Economizers, Steam Pipes, Air Receiver and other vessels under steam or air pressure against damage to the insured item itself, damage to other property of the insured and liability for damage to third party property and third party injury arising from explosion or collapse of plant/machinery. The policy can be extended to include fuel gas explosion, cracking, damage to tubes by overheating and damage by general overheating.